Aluminary iOS Application

Aluminary brings together the global top alumni networks in a trusted and exclusive digital platform to enhance connections, collaboration, ideas, opportunities and growth.

The platform brings a meaningful digital experience to the top alumni communities through:
-unparalleled quality of the network
-cross-school networking
-access to top alumni events
-group discussions and 1to1 chat conversations
-a powerful search engine
-endless possibilities to engage and help each other

Aluminary also helps individual alumni associations to pilot their day-to-day operations, such as managing communications, promoting activities, publishing events, collecting payments and handling registrations.

iOS App Download Click Here

Project Info

  • Category: Mobile App
  • Client: Kers
  • Location: Usa
  • Completed Date: 2018
  • Project Value: 50k
  • Mananer: Skermset
  • Designer: Istiak


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